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We are both strong believers in the Universes magic and we choose to play a part in it everyday. We are constantly looking for ways to express our creative nature through writing, painting, and circulating earths gifts such as the ones found on our shop. We are also certified Theta Healers that work with others to help pinpoint and erase limiting beliefs and programs from the unconscious mind. In the months before we joined paths we both wrote an astoundingly similar letter to the Universe, which ultimately manifested our lives together. With much respect, all of this happened shortly after we had purchased our very first set of crystals, stones, and gems. 


When you follow the scent your soul desires you find the answers that have been waiting for you all along....

This shop’s story began when we started working with the metaphysical world and all the guidance, love, and support it has to offer. In the summer of 2014 we eloped on the Island of Ibiza, Spain in front of Es’ Vedra located in the Balearic Islands. Es’ Vedra is 3rd most magnetic place on the planet next to the Bermuda Triangle and the North Pole. The island is based on quartz crystal which acts as a natural tuning fork for humans and is said to naturally pull people towards its profound energy. On the island we experienced life-changing events that placed us on the path we walk today.

When we arrived in Ibiza we were greeted by a breathtaking view of a twinkling crescent moon followed by a rising sun. The ocean surrounding the island rolled in as silver blue that lit up the sky like a neon blanket. As the sun began to rise there was an immense peachy orange that warmed the space above the silver ocean line. The two blended together like the yin and the yang of the earth complimenting each other like mirrors in unity. The palm trees that lined the beach had a powerful feminine energy penetrating from their wide and curvy bottoms. 

As we got settled on the island it became more and more clear that this vacation was going to be anything but average. The energy currents in and around the island, its sacred sites, and the energy vortex at Es’ Vedra have been known to evoke psychic visions, spiritual awakenings, and epiphanies. Being sensitive to these currents I began to experience powerful visions. The first one that came to me was of was of a beautiful women lying inside a cave. From the birds eye perspective that the vision was sent I could see a light tower in the water a few hundred feet away. The cave was positioned at the edge of a cliff while she lie facing the water. She held a quartz receiver against her heart which emitted mass amounts of love into a beaming star above her. As she remained deeply asleep but very much alive in spirit she acted as a medium between the higher realms and us. This message activated the spiritual journey and life transformation to live in line with my divine will. As my husband and I have begun devoting our lives to helping her raise the vibration of our planet in hopes of a better earth and further ascension of its people. 

After all of these powerful events I followed my instinct and did some research on the feminine energy of the island. This quickly led us to Goddess Tanit, born on Es' Vedra and known as the ruler of the island. There is a cave on the northeast part of the island called Cave d'es Cuieram. This segment of the island is dedicated to her for it is believed to be the place that she was laid to rest. We followed the clues in the visions like a familiar scent and drove into the mountaintops. When we arrived at the cave we noticed a lighthouse in the surrounding water strikingly similar to the one in the vision. The energy near and around the cave was incredibly peaceful. A shrine was made for the goddess facing the ocean where we left two-tumbled rose quartz offering our unconditional love to her.

Goddess Tanit evokes the symbol of fertility and the crescent moon, the goddess that united the earth with the sky, which is depicted quite clearly in her sunsets that mirror the sea and express no separation. The palm tree is hers, a desert version of the tree of life. Used in many religions and philosophies all over the world symbolizing the interconnectedness of all life on our planet. Known as the key to sacred wisdom and knowledge, a deep-rooted form of life that connects heaven and the underworlds, ultimately connecting all forms of life in the complex formula of existence. In ancient texts Tanit is noted as a “star goddess” for she is revered for carrying oracles, which were thought to be “portals through which gods speak directly to people”. 

Over the last few years the god/goddess energy archetype found in the collective unconscious was released on a planetary level. Allowing loving energy to be directed upon many men and women all over the world in efforts to aid in our ascension process. Growing up in a time of struggle and chaos human beings have lost their way. Perhaps we have been distracted from the spiritual nature of life for quite some time, disconnecting us from everyday interaction with our higher forces. Forces that lived on earth just as we do in a time of less technology yet more understanding of our sacred duty within the stronghold of the Universe. All of us have a god, goddess, spirit, or angel guide within us. This shop is inspired and carried out by the sacred energy and wisdom of Goddess Tanit to help us align with our guides and higher-selves. Bringing healing and alignment into our bodies and back into earth’s electromagnetic field. Supporting us on our path while connecting us with the cosmos to lift our consciousness and those of our loved ones as we shift into a new earth for humanity

Gina and Vinnie - Owners and Operators 

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