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5.0” Himalayan Quartz with Isis Face, Bar Codes and Record Keepers - Kullu Valley


Record keeper crystals are revered for holding the keys to the Akashic records. Acting as a link to the records of the past, present, and future through subconscious communications. These imprints are said to be able to adapt to anyone who wishes to work with it through their individual vibration and cellular database. If there is an answer you are searching for but have not yet found this is a great fit for you. You can hold they key or record with one of your fingers during meditation and visualize entering the universal mind of the crystal. Once you are in a deep state of relaxation, trust your intuition and the answers that come to mind while working with the crystal.

Isis Crystal:

This magnificent point has a 5 Sided Isis Face on one of its sides. The five sides form a pentagram, a symbol that is used to connect the physical plane with mind of the divine. This type of crystal point also connects its user with the goddess energy of Isis to bring forward inner strength and renewal. We call upon the goddess in times of need. She holds the keys to underworld as well as heaven. Her wisdom is a very helpful guide when accepting and healing from the challenges life bestows upon us. She too has overcome her own obstacles, lighting the path for us to find our way.

Himalayan Quartz is a very sacred form of Quartz that comes from an extremely high altitude. The altitude is high that many of the crystals are usually carried down on horse and backpack. The Himalayas have been home to some of the oldest monks, yogis, and spiritual practices (some revered living 160 years plus) in the world since the beginning of time. There are communities that dwell in these sacred mountains to perfect or complete their spiritual journeys, and the crystals found here are revered for holding the advanced consciousness that emanates in these mountains. If you’re looking to align with your divine mind this crystal is a great choice for invoking powerful insight on the destiny of your true-self. When we continue to strip away illusion and fear it’s even easier to let go of the perception of suffering and push forward on our path and the fruit of your lifes purpose which fits perfecting within the map of your soul.


Quartz is the most powerful healing crystal on the planet known as the “master healer” of Mother Earth. Highly revered by healers and practitioners for it is believed to have a connection to the Divine Light. This magnificent crystal works with the rays of every chakra bringing the human body into the most harmonistic state possible. Quartz is a natural tuning fork that helped create radio transmitters and watches. It works the same way in our energy bodies to transmit, magnify, absorb, store, release, and regulate it. Quartz is a great choice for all stone collectors because it can also be used to enhance/cleanse/re-program the energy of other stones.

This multi-faceted Crystal is revered by historians for holding spiritual libraries and ancient information waiting to be accessed. Surround a desired stone with four quartz crystals to intensify the effect during meditation or in crystal grids. In meditation it focuses concentration and helps one access parts of ones memory that is locked up and needs sorting. Brings about tremendous spiritual growth and works to answer the prayers of its user while expanding ones connection to the spirit world.

Size: L 5.0” W 1.4” Thickness 1.0”

**the Crystal photographed is the one you will receive with your purchase of this listing. This precious point was mined at 14,000 feet and carried down the mountain by backpack which took 4 days. Its very rare to have a Himalayan point with the a perfect point as not only altitude on it way down can affect it but also the impact of walking with it for so many days. This beautiful crystal is 100% raw and its slight imperfection in no way takes away from its true beauty.

5.0” Himalayan Quartz with Isis Face, Bar Codes and Record Keepers

$329.00 Regular Price
$203.98Sale Price

    Gina and Vinnie - Owners and Operators 

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