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5.5” Self-Healed ET Colombian Lemurian Quartz Point with Companion Crystal


Extra Terresrial Crystals:


Extra Terresrial Quartz generally has a single point on one end and multiple terminations on the other. These crystals are used by healers to communicate with celestial beings and higher forms of consciousness. Through their multiple terminations they are able to reach a broader spectrum energetically and work within multiple energy bodies at once. They tend to develop multiple terminations through “self-healing” — read below. 


Self-Healed Crystals:


Self-healed crystals have been damaged or broken off their original root at some point in their lives and found a way to heal themselves. After healing themselves they continue to grow into their natural state of perfection. Crystals grow according to their atomic structure and through the vibration of their aura. They hold the intelligence and integrity to grow into full form regardless of mishaps. When used in personal healing and meditation they help people realize it is never too late to heal. They show us that wounds and downfalls are inevitable and they exist in many timelines. They also demonstrate to us that completion of our personal missions is possible and attainable. Just as they have learned to heal themselves with time and determination you can too. 


Lemurian Seed Crystals:


Lemurian Seed Crystals are one of the most fascinating crystals available to us on earth. Said to be planted from the ancient mythological civilization of Lemuria. Myth has it that the continent was located in the Pacific Ocean and was one of the “ring of fire” islands. These islands hold many of the oldest clues and doorways into ancient civilizations and their connection to the “star people”.  These civilizations were much more connected to the emotional and spiritual world than our modern world is today. They understood the sacredness of life and of spirit. The inhabitants of this island are said to have departed the Earth through light and into the stars.


Lemuria is sister to the “Atlantean” civilization. Many people all over the world have come to remember or have dreams of living in these civilizations. This has helped healers of all kinds follow what is familiar to them through the guidance of their hearts. Guiding them to remember their gifts and how to heal our current world. Those who work with this crystal often mention feeling a deep emotional healing, return to the soul, and sensation of wholeness.


Lemuria was a civilization that had more contact with the divine because they worked within their heart centers and the energies of love and connection. This strengthened their bond to the beauty within (creator), outside (environment), and all energies within the matrix of creation.


Lemurian consciousness and spiritual awareness is the very seed planted within these miraculous crystals. A very high vibration of consciousness that existed before the layers of trauma and pain. 


Both scientists and spiritualists have come to agree on the fact that there is no proof of where time starts or ends...there is just “now”. These crystals help demonstrate this phenomena to us. For example, we perceive these crystals as being planted in the “past”, a place in time that would allow them to resurface for us to use today. Tools given to us for the evolution of our spirit and our planet. There are no “coincidences” when it comes to Lemurian seed crystals. They wait for the appropriate time and place to join us on our paths as they were always programmed to do so. When we use their powerful healing abilities in the “now” we have the ability to heal all of time.


Lemurian Crystals are revered for holding information from the ancients that can be transferred through consciousness and connection to the crystal. If the crystal senses you are trying too hard to receive its information it will often see this as a sign that you are not ready to receive it. This makes it an extremely beneficial tool in becoming more centered and grounded in meditation. When the crystal senses you are ready for what it has to offer it will further attune to your vibration. 


The more time you spend with your Lemurian crystal the more aligned you can become with your intuition, guides, and all knowing senses. Many say that after working with Lemurian they suddenly “just know” how to interpret information far above and beyond this world.


Chakra Association: All, Star Chakra


Commonly used for:


Strengthening Intuition

Improving psychic gifts 


Akashic Records

Communication with spirit guides

Clearing energy blockages


Creating a better world



Size: L 5.5” W 2.1” Thickness 1.0”

**The crystal photographed is the one you will receive with your purchase of this listing.

5.5” Self-Healed ET Colombian Lemurian Quartz Point with Companion Crystal

$1,722.00 Regular Price
$1,670.34Sale Price

    Gina and Vinnie - Owners and Operators 

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