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64mm Top Quality Malachite Sphere with Incredible Banding - Africa




This stone is one of my personal favorites because it is a key player for our planet and the health of mother earth. Its unique properties work to neutralize radiation and electromagnetic pollution from the atmosphere and our auric fields.


Malachite’s close relationship to our earth and the devic energies of nature was greatly valued by the ancients and the Native Americans. They understood it as a stone that not only offered great protection to the earth but also brought forth remarkable spiritual transformations. Circle formations found within Malachite were especially meaningful to them. They were believed to aid in strengthening clairvoyant abilities and ward off “evil”.  The ancient Egyptians lined their headdresses with this stone to help protect them from dangerous or clouded thinking brought forth from the ego. Helping them stay in tune with sacred insight flowing down from other worlds and higher levels of consciousness. They also believed it to be a stone that helped invoke messages from the gods for spiritual guidance.


When placed on the Third eye it works to stimulate the imagination. Excellent for those who wish to strengthen visuals, receive messages about the future, and from the collective sub-conscious. Also helps one better understand themselves by working through the debris that lurks within. Great for vivid dreams and memory recall.


Malachite is a stone that is closely related to the Heart Chakra. Just as it works to identify dangers in the atmosphere, it helps show its user what dangers they may be allowing into their lives. Bringing awareness to the parts of ones life that requires change before spiritual growth and transformation can occur. For example, do you give yourself the same amount of love you give others? Do you act from a place of love or do you waste a lot of time controlling situations? These questions help us identify how we may be displacing our energy and show us the way towards self-care and emotional detox.  This ultimately helps us become more balanced and heart centered. When we accept the natural flow of life and allow the universe to work within us and around us we open ourselves up to unconditional love….what a gift!


 Chakra Association: 


Third Eye 


Solar Plexus 


Astrological Association: 





Diameter: 2.5” , 64mm

**The purchase of this listing includes the Malachite photographed.

64mm Top Quality Malachite Sphere with Incredible Banding - Africa

$498.00 Regular Price
$483.06Sale Price

    Gina and Vinnie - Owners and Operators 

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